Friday, September 6, 2013

rubber cables score high on maintenance and hygiene

That conclusion is contrary to the prevailing opinion in the world of networking that zip ties are evil and that hook & loop ties are among only a few acceptable materials for “good” network cabling. We hear audible gasps from some network engineers when they see those little strips of nylon bundling our Ethernet CX4 Cables. We know exactly what they’re thinking: Zip ties negatively impact network performance because they’re easily over-tightened, and cables in zip-tied bundles are more difficult to replace. After they pick their jaws up off the floor, we debunk those myths.The answer in practice is “less than one minute” … The “trick” in that trick question is that the zip ties around the cable bundles are irrelevant when it comes to physically replacing a network connection. Data center technicians use temporary cables to make a direct server-to-switch connection, and they schedule an appropriate time to perform a permanent replacement (which actually involves removing and replacing zip ties). In the  Negotiable video above, we show a temporary cable being installed in about 45 seconds, and we also demonstrate the process of creating, installing and bundling a permanent network cable replacement. Even with all of those villainous zip ties, everything is done in less than 18 minutes.

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